

It’s nice to meet you.  I’m Callie.

I am 20 years young, a Baylor Honors student, a best friend, a daughter, and a non-biological-sister.
My parents are my best friends.

I am dedicating my life to the One who saved it, Jesus Christ.

I am a cold-weather-junkie, have too many blankets, love knitting but can’t knit, and have a cat.

I dream about writing books.

Reading is my favorite thing.

I like notebooks and pens and fancy lotion and purses.

My family is big and loud and too wonderful for words.

I impulse buy almost everything I own.

I used to work at Barnes & Noble, and it was the most magical job in the world.

I see beauty in God’s creation, but I don’t like camping, hiking, or anything involving sleeping without air conditioning or a mattress.

I don’t drink enough water, and drink way too much Diet Dr. Pepper.

I am a Texas child, used to sun, sweet tea, and melting asphalt.

Get to know me.  Read my blog.  Contact me if you ever want to talk about Jesus, saving grace, or the beauty of diet dr. pepper



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